Monday 23 August 2010

This Season's 'must'... Press-ups!

I know, I know... they're not everyones cup of tea and, if done properly, they blinkin' well hurt but good old fashioned press-ups are great for toning your upper body and for keeping everything nice and firm! That's a firm bust, nicely defined shoulders and it'll be time to say bye bye to those 'bingo wings'!
Autumn may be on it's way (and with it, plenty of layers) but it can still feel great to have lovely toned arms, whatever the weather. Think party dresses, think tight fitted jumpers, even sexy lingerie (?)... Autumn and Winter needn't have to mean covering up, instead it can be a great time to get into shape rather than waiting til the New Year.
Here's how to do them (go on, how many more reasons do you need?)...

  1. Start with an exercise mat (or a bath towel if you don't have one) and get onto 'all fours', knees hip width apart and hands directly underneath shoulders or slightly wider, facing forward.
  2. Choose the position best for you: Beginners= knees underneath hips in a 'table' position, Intermediate= take knees further back to increase resistance, Advanced= knees as far back as possible or off the ground into a full press-up (very advanced, do not attempt if you have any weakness in your lower back).
  3. Bend the elbows and lower your chest towards the floor, slowly and controlled, until your nose is almost touching the ground, slowly push back up into start position without locking elbows.
  4. Speed should keep steady throughout, roughly 2 seconds each way. Breathe in as you lower, breathe out as you push up.
  5. Aim to perform 2 x 8 reps 3 times per week, increasing to 2 x 20 reps as and when possible.
They're great for whilst on holiday, or if you're away with work, as you don't need any equipment other than the mat or towel. So there's no excuses not to give them a go, which combined with a balanced diet and general exercise, will give you gorgeous toned arms all-year round. After-all, flabby arms are sooo last season!

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