Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New You!

It's the first day of 2011 and it's that time once again- time to embark on a fantastic healthy (though often unrealistic) lifestyle which will see the weight drop off in no time and leave us feeling just fabulous!? A few weeks in, however, and it's all too easy to lose interest and -heaven forbid- return to our old ways!

If you're fed up of making resolutions that don't last then why not break the cycle once and for all. Instead of making 'New Years Resolutions' simply make gradual and effective lifestyle changes which will last all year instead.

You could start an exercise class or take up a sport (or, wait for it, even join a gym!)... but the trick is not to over do it (e.g i'll go every day!) and to find something you enjoy. A good tip is to always have a clear goal in sight. For example, it may be cold and dreary at the moment but in just a few months it'll be holiday time once again :-).... always a fantastic way to keep motivated (just think bikinis!).

Your first mini goal could be to lose 7lbs in 4 weeks or to run 3k, then once you have achieved this, simply set a new goal e.g lose next 7lbs in next 6 weeks and/or to run 5k by Spring. Once you make it to this stage (go on, you can do it) you'll be feeling much healthier and in shape, and hopefully even enjoying what you're doing (or at least not seeing it as torture!) which will push you to achieve your next goal. This 'bit by bit' approach means you're much less likely to give up and more likely to keep it going all year through. So when that holiday does finally come along, at least this year you'll be ready for it!

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